Christians Today

California Father to Speak Against Schools Becoming ‘Re-Education Camps’ for Homosexual Agenda


San Juan Capistrano, California – A California father is set address officials of his local school district about his concerns relating to area schools becoming “re-education camps” for the homosexual agenda.

Stan Wasbin is a father of four, all of which attend school within the Capistrano Unified School District. Recently, Wasbin wrote a three-page letter to district officials to request that the issue of homosexual studies be placed on the agenda for the next school board meeting. He outlined in the correspondence that he feels that classroom lessons should not be politicized.

“In our public schools, we want our children to learn math, music, science, English, art, American history and a foreign language or two,” Wasbin stated. “That’s a lot, and that’s enough.”

“Let’s not further burden our teachers by forcing them to teach LGBT material, a subject that so readily lends itself to propaganda and which can engender sexual confusion,” he added.

The board obliged his request to speak, and therefore, Wasbin is scheduled to further elaborate Monday during the meeting. Other issues to be addressed will include the death of a three-year-old on an area school bus, as well as concerns about cheating at a local preparatory academy.

Last year, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law that requires schools throughout the state to teach students about the accomplishments of homosexuals throughout history. Wasbin, whose request to address the board comes partly in response to the new mandate, states that he takes no issue with schools teaching about anyone’s accomplishments, but said that the information can be provided without endorsing the homosexual agenda.

“If someone has made an important contribution – and that person happens to be classified as LGBT – then by all means, let’s teach our children about that person – but not because of that person’s sexual identity group,” he stated in his correspondence.

Wasbin said that he wants to know how the school district intends on responding to the new requirement — both for the sake of his children, and others throughout the region.

“Today, the state political winds blow from the left, but tomorrow, they could blow from the right, and then our children may be forced to learn about the role and contributions of other groups, such as gun owners, death-penalty proponents and anti-abortion advocates,” he wrote. “Do we really want to politicize public education like this?”

The father of four plans to suggest that if schools are mandated to teach about homosexuality, that they do so via voluntary classes that are held before or after hours, so that students will not be forced to be indoctrinated with same-sex agendas.

According to reports, an estimated 51,000 students attend schools within the Capistrano United School District, which is noted as being the 12th largest district in California.