Christians Today

The Bible’s Teaching on Marriage and Family »

Andreas J. Kostenberger is the Director of Ph.D. Studies and Professor of New Testament at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also editor of theJournal of the Evangelical Theological Society…

Dec 23 2015 / Comments Off on The Bible’s Teaching on Marriage and Family / Read More »

Seeing the Best in Him »

It was my first time attending this Bible study. The group was a sprinkling of generations. Expectant moms, soccer moms and women with graying hair all greeted one another and…

Nov 10 2013 / Comments Off on Seeing the Best in Him / Read More »

God hate Divorce »

“I hate divorce,” says the LORD God of Israel, “and I hate a man’s covering himself with violence as well as with his garment” Malachi 2:16, says the LORD Almighty. So…

Feb 12 2013 / 1 Comment / Read More »

Many Christians Around the World, Including in the West, are being persecuted during Christmas Holidays »

The White House has refused to make the declaration that ISIS has committed genocide on Christians, even though ISIS’ spiritual credibility…

Dec 23 2015 / Comments Off on Many Christians Around the World, Including in the West, are being persecuted during Christmas Holidays / Read More »

The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Most Difficult To Be A Christian »

Open Doors says 2014 saw the worst persecution of Christians in the ‘modern era’—but not because of violence. New research…

Jan 14 2015 / Comments Off on The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Most Difficult To Be A Christian / Read More »

Bible Translator Killed Protecting His Family in the C.A.R. »

A Wycliffe Bible translator was shot and killed last week during a deadly outbreak of violence in the Central African…

Dec 17 2013 / Comments Off on Bible Translator Killed Protecting His Family in the C.A.R. / Read More »

Christian has been gunned down in Libya »

Hours after assailants gunned down American teacher Ronnie Smith during his morning jog near the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya,…

Dec 17 2013 / Comments Off on Christian has been gunned down in Libya / Read More »

Franklin Graham Quits GOP Over Spending Bill, Wants Christians to Revolutionize ‘Wicked System’ »

Evangelist Franklin Graham resigned from the Republican Party and declared himself an independent voter Monday over the “wasteful” GOP-led $1.8 trillion spending bill passed by Congress last week. Graham, who is the eldest son of Billy and Ruth Bell Graham, as well as president and CEO…

Dec 23 2015 / Comments Off on Franklin Graham Quits GOP Over Spending Bill, Wants Christians to Revolutionize ‘Wicked System’ / Read More »

Conservative Dr. Ben Carson speech upstages Obama at prayer breakfast »

 Move over President Obama. Conservatives are not talking so much about the president’s address at Thursday’s National Prayer Breakfast, but rather remarks from Dr. Benjamin Carson, a black pediatric neurosurgeon with Johns Hopkins Hospital who took over the stage for 25 riveting minutes. Mr Carson…

Feb 12 2013 / 2 Comments / Read More »

The Bible’s Teaching on Marriage and Family »

Andreas J. Kostenberger is the Director of Ph.D. Studies and Professor of New Testament at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also editor of theJournal…

Dec 23 2015 / Comments Off on The Bible’s Teaching on Marriage and Family / Read More »

Conflict Resolution Skills for Kids »

Helping kids navigate disagreements peacefully. by Shannon Medisky Tanara congratulated her son on reciting poems with his classmates, and then asked how his best friend…

Nov 10 2013 / Comments Off on Conflict Resolution Skills for Kids / Read More »

Survey Finds Most Americans Think Christmas should be “More about Jesus” and “Celebrated in public schools”

  “The Constitution both allows and protects the celebration of Christmas in public schools.” According to a recent Rasmussen poll, a large majority (75 percent) of American adults surveyed believe that Christmas actually should be celebrated…

Dec 18 2013 / Read More »

Less is more for smart perception

Brains of high-IQ people automatically ignore the least relevant sights People with high IQs see the world in their own way. Their brains seamlessly separate the visual wheat from the chaff, allowing them to home in…

May 27 2013 / Read More »

Homosexuality And Abortion Rights Caused California Drought

End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles knows what is to blame for the record California drought: gay people and legal abortion. While discussing the drought on his “Trunews” radio show yesterday, Wiles said that measures to conserve…

Jun 20 2015 / Read More »

Should we be shocked at the explosion of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in today’s world?

 God tells those that reject Him that such diseases are fitting penalties for the wrong use of sex. Mankind has tried to “advance beyond consequences” in this area by advocating “safe-sex” through the use of contraceptives.…

Jan 7 2015 / Read More »

Less is more for smart perception

Brains of high-IQ people automatically ignore the least relevant sights People with high IQs see the world in their own way. Their brains seamlessly separate the visual wheat from the chaff, allowing them to home in…

May 27 2013 / Read More »

Franklin Graham Quits GOP Over Spending Bill, Wants Christians to Revolutionize ‘Wicked System’

Evangelist Franklin Graham resigned from the Republican Party and declared himself an independent voter Monday over the “wasteful” GOP-led $1.8 trillion spending bill passed by Congress last week. Graham, who is the eldest son of Billy and…

Dec 23 2015 / Read More »

Conservative Dr. Ben Carson speech upstages Obama at prayer breakfast

 Move over President Obama. Conservatives are not talking so much about the president’s address at Thursday’s National Prayer Breakfast, but rather remarks from Dr. Benjamin Carson, a black pediatric neurosurgeon with Johns Hopkins Hospital who took…

Feb 12 2013 / Read More »

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